Thursday, 13 January 2011


After a conversation with a friend, I was considering just how useful the Lightning Process tools are for dealing with those things that happen in life that are not so good. Those times could lure us into imagining the worst possible scenario, over and over, and to live life in fear. The Lightning Process is the tool to deal with things that can happen in life in a way that enables finding the best in whatever life brings. Not only can I celebrate recovering my health through the process, but I have a special kit always with me to use to deal with whatever might come along. A new way of living and engaging in a world which can be full of surprises.

I'm looking forward to my first 'Building Your Future Seminar' for 2011 on Saturday, a chance to see some of the remarkable changes in people months or years on from their original seminar... I hardly recognised some of them last time, particularly one woman in her 40s that I hadn't seen since she did her LP 2 years ago, where she astounded everyone by starting to walk normally after years mainly using a wheelchair. She claims she has more stamina now because of the Lightning Process, than she had when she was in her fit 20s! This despite being housebound with ME/CFS for years in her 30s!

Thursday, 6 January 2011

New Year

Happy New Year everyone!! An exciting year ahead with lots of new experiences to be had.
Great to talk to a December 2010 client and hear how after years of CFS, her life is now 'normal' and she can now spend all day looking after her young daughter like a 'normal' mother.What a great thing the Lightning Process is!

 Enjoying watching the u-tube clips from David Hamilton about placebos.