Monday, 28 January 2013

Free talks about the Lightning Process

I've teamed up with another local practitioner called Elizabeth, to give some free talks to promote more awareness in Hertfordshire of 'The Lightning Process' and what it can help people achieve.
It's fun to work with someone else and we are both looking forward to our first talk on Wednesday 30 Jan at the 'Holiday Inn' in Hemel Hempstead. More information about this and the other talks on my website

I had a lovely update email from Gina in December, she took the Lightning Process course with me in 2011 for her ME/CFS which had forced her into an early retirement and had prevented her doing exercise or having much enjoyment from life at all. That changed straight after the course...

Hi Heather,
Thank you for keeping in touch!  I've been meaning to let you know that I'm now doing tennis lessons and Spanish lessons as well as my part time job. 
Tennis is a big deal for me: I'd got seriously put off (was doing being put off!) by bad teaching at school and I believed that I was and would always be rubbish at tennis. So I'd avoided tennis as much as I could. Then I was playing with some children and I thought, well I play better than a five year old! So I did some LP and although I don't love tennis like I did diving, I'm getting better and will become a competent player. Neil is very happy because he adores tennis!
And I'm loving learning Spanish! I've always enjoyed learning languages and we have a very good teacher which makes it so much easier.
Work is challenging but I remember that feeling challenged by it is my choice! And I'm doing a lot less stress. I told one of my colleagues that I'd decided not to stress about something and she said, "You can't just decide not to be stressed." I told her, "Yes, I can!" It's all good!
I'm also writing a novel in November as I do most years, and on Saturday Neil and I are going to be spending a day at Somerset House where there is an ice rink. 
If you want to use any of this in encouraging other people, please feel free. The LP really does work as long as you actually do it. I am so glad that I went on that three day course because it really did change my life.

With very warmest wishes,